чгто беспокоит чгто делат если ребенок обзгегсиа утиугом
В регионах, где отсутствуют активные боевые действия, необходимо интенсифицировать процесс вакцинации против полиомиелита как местных, так и перемещенных детей до 6 лет дополнительной дозой инактивированной вакцины и продолжать вакцинацию по возрасту в соответствии с Календарем прививок против всех инфекционных болезней, управляемых средствами специфической. Для профилактики полиомиелита предпочтение отдавать инактивированной вакцине для всех возрастов.
So, at the population level, health is a multifactorial phenomenon that includes both an objective and a subjective component. Considering that low self-esteem of health is a factor influencing its formation in young people, their choice of risky behavior, propensity for bad habits and psychological disorders, it is important to take into account the subjective component of health in adolescents and young people. the purpose of early detection of certain deviations in self-esteem or the impact on the formation of health of adverse factors, the effect of which can be minimized.
The use of thiopurine (azathioprine and mercaptopurine) reduces the immune response to viruses, which is associated with an increased risk of opportunistic infections. There is limited evidence that they increase the risk of respiratory infections.
The risks and benefits should be considered, but most patients can continue on a stable dose. In patients in stable remission, elderly patients and in the presence of concomitant pathology, it is recommended to stop taking thiopurine.
During a pandemic, it is recommended to avoid starting thiopurine or increasing the dose, which will allow patients to avoid potential side effects.
If the patient is in contact with a COVID-19 person, temporary withdrawal of thiopurine for 2 weeks should be considered.
If a patient tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 and/or develops COVID-19, temporary discontinuation of thiopurine may be recommended until the patient clears the infection.